
文森特·威廉·梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh)



Vincent van Gogh

文森特·威廉·梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853年3月30日-1890年7月29日)荷兰后印象派画家。代表作有《星月夜》、自画像系列、向日葵系列等。梵高出生于1853年3月30日荷兰乡村津德尔特的一个新教牧师家庭,早年的他做过职员和商行经纪人,还当过矿区的传教士最后他投身于绘画。他早期画风写实,受到荷兰传统绘画及法国写实主义画派的影响。1886年,他来到巴黎,结识印象派和新印象派画家,并接触到日本浮世绘的作品,视野的扩展使其画风巨变。1888年,来到法国南部小镇阿尔,创作《阿尔的吊桥》;同年与画家保罗·高更交往,但由于二人性格的冲突和观念的分歧,合作很快便告失败。此后,梵高的疯病(有人记载是“癫痫病”)时常发作,但神志清醒时他仍然坚持作画。1889年创作《星月夜》。1890年7月,梵高在精神错乱中开枪自杀,年仅37岁。

Vincent Willem van Gogh (March 30, 1853 -- July 29, 1890) was a Dutch post-impressionist painter, His masterpieces include Starry Night, self-portrait series,sunflower series, etc.

Born on March 30, 1853 in the Dutch countryside of Zundert to a Protestantclergyman, Van Gogh spent his early years as a clerk, broker, and missionary in amining area before devoting himself to painting. His early painting style wasrealistic, influenced by the traditional Dutch painting and the French realism schoolIn 1886, he came to Paris, met lmpressionist and neo-lmpressionist painters, andcame into contact with the Japanese Ukiyo-e works, the expansion of his vision tochange his style of painting. In 1888, he came to Arles, a small town in the south ofFrance, to create the Drawbridge of Arles. In the same year, she started a relationshipwith the painter Paul Gauguin, but due to their personality conflicts and differencesin ideas, their cooperation soon failed, From then on, Van Gogh suffered fromfrequent bouts of madness (some have described it as "epilepsy"), but he continuedto paint in his lucid moments. In 1889, he wrote Starry Night. Van Gogh shot himselfin a delirium in July 1890 at the age of 37.
