
列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci)



Leonardo Da Vinci

列奥纳多·达·芬奇(意大利语:Leonardo da Vinci,儒略历1452年4月15日[公历4月23日]-1519年5月2日)。意大利文艺复兴时期画家、自然科学家、工程师,与米开朗基罗、拉妻尔并称“文艺复兴后三杰”(又称“美术三杰”)



Leonardo da Vinci (ltalian: Leonardo da Vinci, April 15, 1452 by the Julian calendar[April 23 by the Gregorian calendar]- May 2, 1519). ltalian Renaissance painternatural scientist and engineer, together with Michelangelo and Raphael, known asthe "three masters of art" (also known as the "Three Masters of art").Da Vinci has shown artistic talent in the youth, 15 years old or so to Florence to learnart, under the teacher Verrocchio, gradually grow into a scientific accomplishment ofthe painter, sculptor. He was also a military engineer and architect. After beingrecruited to the Duchy of Milan in 1482, he began his creative and research activitiesin the noble court. From 1513 he drifted to Rome and Florence. in 1516, he lived inFrance and was honored by Francois l, King of France. He died of illness in 1519.Da Vinci thought deep, learned, good at painting, sculpture, invention, architecture.mathematics, biology, physics, astronomy, geology and other disciplines, is a rarehuman history of generalist. Modern scholars call him "the most perfectrepresentative of the Renaissance". His greatest achievement is painting, hismasterpiece "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" and other works, reflect hisexquisite artistic attainments. His artistic practice and the spirit of scientificexploration have a great and far-reaching influence on the future generations

艺术展示(The art show)
